Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sun energy powered my glass kilns

We've been utilizing renewable power from the sun with the solar panels we had installed on our roof last fall. After they were installed and we had trees trimmed back our electric bill was reduced to $20 a month. That's the minimum charge from our local electric company.

When I fired up the glass kilns last month to create glass trays from recycled louver glass I wonder how much the electric bill would be in July. Now I know as I received the bill recently. Only $30 more than what we would normally have to come up with.

We had the PV panels installed in October along with a solar hot water system. The panels were generating a little more than what we were using. Through the net metering system we were basically able to run the meter backwards. Then accumulated energy produced was used when I powered up the glass kilns last month.

Knowing what I know now I would have invested in two additional panels for the roof in order to save power to use when I turn on the glass kilns for fusing and slumping glass.