Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sept. '07 exhibitions

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Title of art to left:
"No Freedom", No Future"
18 x 24", $670

Announcing two art exhibitions I have been invited to participate in:

"Five Artists", Sept. 4-29 @ Firehouse Gallery in Kamuela
"Invitational Fiber Art", Sept. 4-28, East Hawaii Cultural Center Gallery in Hilo

Both shows feature recent works of mine that I have created from recycling paper.

Since the Hilo show is only fiber (I have 4 paper/mixed media pieces in that show), I am showing the first in a series of pieces created from road kill - no not what you think, no blood or guts.
The Road Kill Series (destroyed tires) came to mind as I drive around our beautiful island and witness the trash, etc. on the roadways. So I literially picked up my first tire pieces, i.e. "material", a shredded truck tire during the summer. After cleaning, I mounted it to an old bookshelf and took out my acrylic paints. I felt I was keeping the integrity of the tire intact, however I'm surprised at how many visitors to the gallery don't see that it started out as a tire. "Road Kill #1, Hwy. 19, mile marker 61" is on display and for sale at the Firehouse Gallery in Waimea. I will donate a portion of any sales to the Waimea Arts Council.

Friday, Sept, 7 is the reception for the Hilo show, while Saturday, Sept. 8 is the reception for the Waimea Show.
I should be able to recycle my lei, wearing it at both receptions. After that I'll see how I can utilize the flowers in the lei into a future piece of art.

So much for my first post to this newly created blog.
Your comments are welcome, however no stink, please.

Sept. 6, 2007 - a new beginning